hand and a cloud for internet marketing idea

August 28 2024 Journal on Internet

Today, I was busy with work, work.

However, yesterday, I uploaded some training workshops on AI  (Artificial Intelligence) for content creation on my “AI” training membership.  I wanted to have some “beginner” level information and workshop on AI so people can get over their “confusion” “fear” of AI.

I, also, have a membership i am developing for beginners to internet marketing because I don’t want others to make the same mistakes I have made while on the internet.

There will be workshops on different business models on the internet sharing what the  advantages and disadvantages of each business model are, so a person can make a decision on what business fits their personality.

Even though it is tedious, I have to commit to upload the workshops into the membership right away  so when I design a webinar to promote the membership, I will have the workshops ready.