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brain for entrepreneur mindset concept

The #1 Thing Entrepreneurs need to do

By lw63p | September 15, 2024

The 1 Thing All Entrepreneurs Need to Do   “I’ve never found anyone that didn’t want to help me if I asked them for help,” said Steve Jobs. “Most people never ask … and that’s what separates, sometimes, the people who do things from the people who just dream about them.”   In the entrepreneurial […]

A pile of books to review

Book Reviews

By lw63p | September 15, 2024

Have you ever wondered whether a book is worth buying ? I’m here to give you reviews of some books I’ve read. I’ll give you some ideas of how a book may have haunted me even now after reading it. If you can find a book that does it to you then you have found […]

hand and a cloud for internet marketing idea

September 15 Journal Internet

By lw63p | September 15, 2024

How have I moved forward? I have 13 episodes of ” Let’s Go Live Show.” I need to complete the set in a series so I have a training to either give away or paid for. I have 12 episodes of ” Let’s Get Visible Show.” Both shows could work with the Build your Business […]

hand and a cloud for internet marketing idea

August 28 2024 Journal on Internet

By jane gardner | August 28, 2024

Today, I was busy with work, work. However, yesterday, I uploaded some training workshops on AI  (Artificial Intelligence) for content creation on my “AI” training membership.  I wanted to have some “beginner” level information and workshop on AI so people can get over their “confusion” “fear” of AI. I, also, have a membership i am […]

notepad and ink pen

Internet Journal August 25 2024

By lw63p | August 25, 2024

So, today, I had a look at my Ultimate TV Channel System website to see if I was missing any videos I wanted on the “sales pages.”  (I consider the pages just to be “this is what you get, for this price” pages).  There was a few missing videos on pages so I made a […]

pen in hand writing in a book day zero

Day Zero – Do a Journal Post per day challenge

By jane gardner | May 21, 2024

In a way to increase my writing, I am going to challenge myself to write each day about my internet activities. Yesterday, it was Victoria Day, so I had a day off from work.  I have some pressure to get clicks on my email and social media posts. When I signed up for Proven Email […]

books and pen and writing getting ready to write

Preparing To Write

By jane gardner | December 27, 2023

Preparing to Write Some writers prefer to just sit down and get the task of writing done. This may be easy for some people but not everyone seems to have that constant stream of thoughts, waiting to be put onto paper. If you often find yourself stuck with what to write there are a few […]

5 Tips on How to Learn How to Write

By jane gardner | September 9, 2021

Can Anyone Learn to Write? This is a question that gets asked frequently, so is it really possible for anyone to learn how to write? Most people assume that you must have a certain knack to be a writer. While it is true that certain people do posses a flair for writing, it is something […]

taking a walk

Adding Your Personality to your Writing

By jane gardner | September 5, 2020

Adding Personality to Your Writing, Yes Please! It is quite easy to write a short article on almost any subject these days, but have you thought about adding some of your own experiences into your articles? When you inject personality into your writing it can take on a whole new life. Today is a Friday […]

notepad and ink pen

Writing Strategies for Blog Posts

By jane gardner | September 4, 2020

The more you blog, the quicker you’ll grow at writing effective, punchy blog posts. Eliminate distractions Disconnect from the internet and don’t go near Facebook.  Turn off the ringer on your phone.  Shut your home office door, if you can.  Put up a “Do Not Disturb ” sign.  Use “Full Width” setting in your computer […]